Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Stampin UP Christmas - Treat Box Ornaments

Stampin UP has some really cute paper and stamps this Christmas Season.  I could not resist buying some paper for my treat boxes that I am making for different groups this season.

These are Treat Boxes and Ornaments.  After you eat the treat you can put the box on your tree as an ornament to remember the occasion.

I made the paper on the bottom left.  The Reindeer is from Cookie Cutter and the paper is from Candy Cane Lane.  I stamped and colored the Reindeer, then scanned the paper and the Reindeer, put them together reduced the image size and printed on Whisper White.  It now fits perfectly.  
I really miss My Digital Studio.

Here is the video for making your own Treat Box Ornament
The orignal was with Addobbi Natalizi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gr19P0_b-g also Stamping with Amore also made a video and her method is what I adapted to my version.


If interested in a kit, please contact me at: susang@summergrove.net

Christmas Catalog SU
Items Used: 
Seasonal Paper from 2015
Double Bracket Punch
Antique Tags Stamp Set 2015
Candy Cane Lane Stamp Set 2016
Cookie Cutter Christmas Stamp Set 2016
Crumb Cake Paper and Ink
Cherry Cobbler Paper and Ink
Mossy Meadow Paper and Ink
Pool Party Paper and Ink
Whisper White Paper
Various Ribbon from SU

Click Here to Place an Order

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Governor's Proclamation - American Indian Heritage Month

The American Indian Heritage Proclamation from Governor Deal for 2016.  Please share with your chapter during the month of November.  If you like I can send you a copy of the proclamation for your scrapbooks.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Georgia State DAR American Indian Committee

 “They are young once but Indian Forever”   
Welcome Daughters

Susan Johnson Gillespie
American Indians Chairman

During my administration I will be focusing on raising money not only for the American Indian Fund but also for the Indian Youth Camp.  This is going to be my focus for the next 2 DAR years. I would love for our State to raise enough funds to send at least one child to the August 2017 and 2018 camps.   I plan to pass the sock at each meeting of my own chapter to collect everyone’s loose change.  I also plan to sell some of my Indian Beaded Jewelry in my online store to raise money.

Not everyone eats Blizzards from Dairy Queen nor Lattes from Starbucks but if we can forgo just 1 of those this year (2016-2017) per daughter that would be enough for our state to cover the  cost for many young ladies to attend the camp.

The statistics for Indian Youth ages 14-20, that are in some sort of danger is unimaginable.  Fifty percent of the children 14-18 are obese, one in four, are addicted to drugs or alcohol, and 1 in 15 will try to commit suicide before they reach 21 years of age.  These are sad statistics for OUR first Americans to be facing.  I hope as a Chapter and a State that we will be able to make a difference in at least one life.

 Our slogan for the campaign will be their slogan:
“They are young once but Indian Forever.   To watch a wonderful video about the camp made by the campers go here: Indian Youth Camp Video .  For more general information about the camp and its history go here: Indian Youth of America

When presenting to your local chapter you may want to use these bullet points.
These children have very low self esteem
They learn team skills to help them in their adult life
Give up just one small pleasure a month to donate your change to this cause
Decorate a big sock and use it to collect your change until next June
Print the brochure located on my blog to hand out at your Chapter meetings > susangillespie.net

Please contact me if you need inspiration or other ideas for this project.

REMEMBER there is a Chapter Award at the State Conference for this project

Thank you all for you help and inspiration.
For God, Home and Country


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Georgia DAR

My term as Committee Chairman for American Indian Committee with the Georgia Society of DAR has begun.  I have three great Vice Chairs and I am looking forward to working with them on our upcoming projects.

Our team will focus on American Indian youth, through the Schools and the Summer Youth Camp. The goal of the committee is to educate DAR members and the public at large regarding history and contemporary issues relating to Native Americans; to assist them by providing funding for Bacone College, Chemawa Indian School, and Indian Youth of America Summer Camp.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

DAR - End of Year - New Officers Installed

I was a great day for our General Daniel Newnan Chapter of DAR.  Our New State of Georgia Regent, Joyce Ball Patton, was on hand to install our new Chapter Officers.

We will all miss our current Regent Kayla King Hudson.  Such and wonderful, kind, and lovely soul.  She is moving away from our area, but will never leave our hearts.

If you are interested in joining the NSDAR - National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and think you may have a Revolutionary War ancestor, please contact me at

You may follow the group on Facebook here >NSDAR or the National Website here > DAR

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Genealogy Records from FOLD3 Free Trial

Fold3 is offering a One Week free trial.  This is great resource for finding DAR and UDC records and other information.

You can get a free trial HERE:

Search Civil Military - Fold3